Scunthorpe Amalgamated Anglers
Terms & Conditions

Membership Rules


  • All anglers 16+ years must be in possession of a current national rod licence. Juniors 13 to 16 years require a rod licence but are free.
  • Members shall produce their membership verification and rod licence to any club bailiff, environment agency officer, police officer or any of the fishery owners or their agents on demand.


  • Anglers must be in possession of the appropriate equipment at all times, a landing net for example.
  • Everyone should be in possession of an unhooking mat to avoid any fish from touching the ground. Unhooking can take place in the hand or landing net.
  • No keepnets on any still water, (or below the weir at Ladypitt).
  • Barbless hooks must be used at all still-waters, micro barbed hooks are permitted on running waters and semi-barbed trebles are allowed for the mounting of dead baits.
  • No cat or dog meat or any type of nut bait is to be used.
  • No live bait.
  • All fish caught must be returned safely and unharmed.
  • No fish are to be killed, removed or transferred between ponds.


  • Night fishing is only allowed at permitted club fisheries with the additional night permit.
  • No overnight camping is allowed.
  • No fires are to be lit on the banks, no firearms, unless authorized by the committee.
  • Dogs are not allowed at any of the fisheries controlled by the club except for waters open to the general public, ie; river and canal banks.
  • Vehicles are to be parked with due regard for access by others.
  • The club accepts no responsibility for any damage to, or theft from any vehicle parked at the fisheries. Any vehicle parked at the venues is entirely at the owners risk.
  • All gates must be kept locked and the combination number scrambled after entering or leaving a fishery.
  • Gate combination numbers are not to be given out to non-members.
  • Anglers are only allowed to fish from 1 designated peg/platform.
  • A maximum of 2 rods is allowed per adult member and 1 rod per child under the age of 12.  Rod butts must be no more than 3 metres apart.
  • All of our fisheries unless named as able to night fish with the relevant and up to date night fish permit are Dawn to Dusk only.
  • NO Drugs or Alcohol to be used or consumed on any of our fisheries.
  • Please take ALL litter home. The club have zero tolerance policy on this issue.
  • No parking on Kingfisher Close, Brigg close to the River Ancholme. This will be relayed to the match Secretary and match organisers.
  •  Under no circumstances are anglers allowed to fish from any point on the railings on the River Ancholme.

Rules on fishing with partners & juniors

On the old membership card, a member could list his wife/partner and up to three juniors aged under 18. Since we started using Clubmate, some members are listing as many as 6 ‘dependants’. As a result, the club has decided upon the following –

  1. Whilst there will be no limit on the number of dependants that can be registered, a member may only take their partner and a maximum of 2 junior dependants onto club waters at any one time.
  2. Only 2 junior dependants may fish at any one time, and they MUST either share the swim with their registered member or fish in an adjacent one.
  3. If the dependants are aged under 12, then they are not allowed to fish on their own and must share a swim with their registered member.
  4. If two dependants aged under 12 are fishing, then the registered member is not allowed to fish and must solely concentrate on supervising the youngsters.
  5. If the registered member’s partner is fishing, then he/she may help supervise but the limit of 2 junior dependants fishing still applies.
  6. Junior dependants must stay close by their registered member at all times and must not be allowed to wander off on their own. The adult member is responsible for their care, behaviour and wellbeing.